Project to Combat Online Radicalization of Youth Launched in Rabat
The agreement to implement this project, funded by the Japanese government in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), was inked by Japan's Ambassador to Morocco, Takashi Shinozuka, UNDP Resident Representative in Morocco, Edward Christow, and Secretary-General of the Rabita Mohammadia of Ulema, Ahmed Abbadi.
This project aims not only to protect adolescents and youth from the scourges of violent extremism, whether on the ground or in the digital dimension, but also to immunize them against hate speech through acquiring the skills needed to influence the internet and inspire their peers, Abbadi said on this occasion.
According to the official, this project is part of the sustainability framework to help young people acquire the tools and skills needed to combat extremism of all kinds. The success of this project depends mainly on the preparation of attractive and eye-catching content for young people, Abbadi Added.
Speaking on the occasion, Japan's ambassador to Morocco expressed pride in his government's support for the project, the fourth of its kind in Morocco.
"We believe that this project is also a response to a concern to immunize the Moroccan society against the cyber threats that loom over the youth," he said, while pointing to the fact that "religious radicalism leading to violence is a universal phenomenon."
For his part, UNDP Resident Representative in Morocco said that this project is the result of several months of joint work, stressing that the three signatory partners will continue to work closely and jointly for the implementation of this project.
The project, totaling $454,545 in funding, provides for producing video content to be posted on social media to shed light on alternative discourses. It has four main objectives, namely, conducting a risk assessment of online radicalization content and backing domestic stakeholders in their use of new information technologies to prevent violent extremism.
The one-year-long project also seeks to raise awareness among Moroccan youth through social networks about the importance of promoting alternative discourse and to share experiences in the area of preventing hate speech online.